Thursday, September 19, 2013

I have started my second year of classes.  With that said, this is a project we did in Graphic Design 1.  The assignment was to make a realistic concert ticket.  We made up the event.  This was a really fun assignment although I am finding myself struggling with the technology/programs used to do the computer generated design.  I am learning fast though.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Castle Stencil

I have made a Castle Stencil for the top of my little table.  This is the fundimental design.  It does not include details, background, or forgound.  I will transfer this onto the top of the table by gridding. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Table Continues

The first step is to give the table a base color.  I started by lightly sanding the table before painting.  I have chosen a cast iron black.  I used a soft brush and thinned the paint with matte medium to help the paint move smoothly into the grain of the table.  I wanted the beautiful graining it the wood to remain.  I then added a layer of clear matte medium to the top to seal the black before the next step.  (this is not a varnish) Wow that little table really does look nice already!  I am designing an image for the top.  Because this is a Chess Board I am going to attempt to do a Mid-Evil Castle.  Dave loves Mid-Evil Art and I enjoy creating it.

Keeping Busy

I like to keep busy creating over break time and have decided to give this little table a new life.  The table was free to me.  I am going to turn it into a one of a kind chess board.  It has terrific lines and I have a whole box of left over paints from my classes.  The table will be a gift to my boyfriend who has a box of chess peices he designed.  A terrific way for him to display his beautiful machining.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Color Class Final

This is my Final for Color Class.  The assignment was to do a Chuck Close type painting.  This painting is 16 X 20 and there are 320 individually painted squares that go into making this really cool piece of modern art. 
This is my Final Project for 2D.  It is a 20 X 26 of the Heritage Bldg. on Phoenix campus.  I used 100 weight Lenox paper.  I have found graphite works beautifully on this paper.   My professor described the graphite work as exsquisite during critique.  After we did the picture we added a small object from home blown up.  I added my staple puller.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

     Well the word is in on the Eric Fischel Award and Student Art Show at Phoenix College.  They decided to only award scholorships to the Art Majors.  Also everyone in the Student Show is an Art Major.
     I am a Computer Graphic Design Major so my entries were not considered for either the award or show.  I will admit I would have liked to know this in advance....I would not have invested money or time in something I was not able to be a participant in.  But I also have the added consilation of knowing I Did Not Loose......I was not in the race at all.

Friday, March 29, 2013

You Can't Have My Guns! 
Sorry to everyone for the slow post.  Things here have been pretty busy but in a good way :)  I did finish Rosey, sorry about all the glare on the picture, I was unable to get a photo where she did not shine.  I really love this piece.  I submitted this piece, Dave's Chess Pieces and the original Lady of the Woods for the art competion at Phoenix College on Monday, March 25th.  I have not heard anything about my submissions yet.  There is a art scholorship, an award, and space in the gallery all up for grabs.  Even if I do not place, being a part of the process has been very exciting and was worth the work.  Wish me luck!

Also noticed I have had 370 views to date.  I want to say Thank You to everyone that is following and tell you how much having your support means to me.  It is heartwarming to know you are there.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Rosie on Guns

Doing a Retro Rosie the Riveter also for the upcoming contest.  She is poster size!  I posted the original sketch to give you an idea of the size.  The first sketch was done on standard 8X11 paper.  She is also being done in Acrylic.

The Lady is Dressed

Finished the Lady In the Woods.  Whew!  Painiting is alot of work but the results are sure worth it.  I am very pleased with the results.  Hope you like her as much as me and that she does well in the upcoming art show at the College.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Progress on Lady of the Woods

This picture is really starting to come together.  I will be working on it today again.  It took about 6 hours to do the trees and base leaf work.  Still have a few hours to go.  I am really happy with the results so far.

Friday, March 8, 2013

First Painting on Canvass

I am really excited about this picture!  It is 18X24 Canvass done with Acrylic paint.  It is the first time I have ever used a canvass.  I really like the way the paint moves on canvass.  If it wasn't so expensive I would never go back to paper. 

I am doing this picture as a personal project over Spring Break.  I am re-doing the Lady in the Woods picture using my own color choices instead of using a predetermined color for a class.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Still Life

This is a still life I did in my 2D class.  The picture was started in class and finished at home.  It is done in charcoal and is 18 X 24.

Lady of the Woods

I finished this picture for my Colors class this morning.  It is painted on 11 X 14 Bristol Board in Acrylic.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is the very first pic I have ever needed to be in black and white for the assignment and I did ask the professor for painting tips.  I asked her about brushes that might give me the effect I want and was told she recommends whatever feels good in my hand and works well.....well here is the end product.  Remember this is a colors class, not a learn how to paint class.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

This is the finished book cover project.  I will admit I did use pencil on this to measure the length.  But all the work is freehand.  I am not sure the professor liked it...I really took on a Big Icon.  I know I like it and people that have seen it think it is pretty damn cool!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I did this picture in 2008.  It is me holding my daughter Amanda's feet.  The picture is hanging in my Mothers house. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Learning to work in pen in one of my classes.  Just did this "Christine Inspired" car. :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Created this for my 2D Class.....everything I have done so far has been kept by the teachers to put in the display boxes....this is an honor.   So this time I am posting before I hand in the work.  I created this with a pin on black sctatch board....I really liked this opinions?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hi Friend and Family,

Wow I am back In 2D class is too cool!  My painting class seems like a session in stenciling so far....but we will see...will have pics after I show the teachers.  Been working really hard on the 2D stuff.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Progress of Winter Break Project 1

     While speaking with a friend the other day I was told all you can see is a large blank piece of paper on my current project.  They stated it would be nice to be able to watch the picture as it developes.  Here are photos I took this morning to bring everyone up to speed.  So far there are 102 circles in this picture and I am working on the shading in those circles ( I always like to tackle the most complicated aspect of a piece first to get it out of the way. )  Just a quick tip for anyone that works in graphite or charcoal.  I always keep a scrap peice of paper under my hand while working so I do not smudge the work I have already completed.  This saves on the clean up process at the end considerably.